TB Ward & Abandoned School

Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Jessie and I took a trip to the Ridges in Athens last Sunday. We were able to get into the old TB ward with very little effort. The places is creepy as hell and I doubt I'll ever go back. There was a lot of activity outside with people driving up to the building. When Jessie and I left, a cop was driving up the road towards the ward. After that we found an old burned up school that was very easy to get into and then some rusted trains. Jessie and I are now paranoid that we either got: TB, asbestos or black mold. Next time we're wearing face masks.

1 Responses to TB Ward & Abandoned School

  1. Anonymous Says:

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

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