Abandoned Cleveland Trip

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 8:22 PM
On Memorial Day, Jessie and I headed to Cleveland after we found some amazing shots on Flickr of abandoned buildings. We had planned on visiting 3-4 locations, but only ended up doing two. The first place we visited was in the worst part of town and the whole time I kept hoping we wouldn't get shot/robbed. The factory is Cleveland Stove Co. which ended up being kind of lame. It had the same old pealing paint and crap covered floors as all the other abandoned buildings that are out there. We stayed for about an hour then headed to an abandoned church a few miles away. The church was worth the trip having ceilings with great preserved artwork. Both places were super easy to get into by just going right through the front door. Be sure to check out my Flickr page for more images.

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